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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Riverview Oral Histories #13: Mrs. Mamie Gillenwater

PHOTO AT LEFT: The Riverview Apartments, 2007. The three sets of apartments in the picture were the first built in 1940.

When we first moved in, back in the 1940's, there was just one street and we had one telephone that was down the street. Nobody had anything andthere was a stockyard down the road and we didn't have street lights for about a year. We got along good, we used to have screen doors that went to the floor and we could sleep with our doors open and our screen doors shut, but you can't do that now. It's all bad and you can't hardly stay here without it being awful. It's been like that for the past three years. We purchased our property from the Kingsport Housing Authority and we only paid nine dollars a month, and $1.50 for a phone. We didn't have any lights and we had to dust because of the roads every day. They finally had the funeral home and the grocery store and the Elks Club.